

Suspension bridge Meshkinshahr
The Suspension bridge Meshkinshahr as the largest suspension bridge in the Middle East at an altitude of 80 meters above the river Khyav was built.
The bridge is 365 meters long, two meters wide and the number of days of the year.

Qahqahe Castle

Qahqahe Castle

Qahqahe ( laughter ) Castle is in the YAFT village one of the Mooradloo's village near Kanchubeh and Qaraqag village and at a distance of 80 km from the north of the Meshkin. Qahqahe Castle has located at Qaradaq area with 1200 m height from sea level , with tall walls and at the cent...

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Tomb of Sheikh Heydar

Tomb of Sheikh...


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Qinarjeh mineral thermal spring

Qinarjeh miner...


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Shirvan Darreh

Shirvan Darreh


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Sabalan summit

Sabalan summit


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Shahriri's Historical Site

Shahriri's His...


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Village Movil

Village Movil


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gheshlagh-e tang

gheshlagh-e ta...


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See all tourist attractions
Local game Banushh

Local game Ban...

Local game Banushh Local game Banushh is one of the local games in different areas, especially in the city Meshkinshahr of Ardabil province done. Methods and practices that are unique to this game is so divided and placed in two rows facing each other. refrence:




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